When God chooses a man for a specific job in the earth, it is not because that man has done something good that others have not done to be qualified. God's election happens before a man is born,so that it can be by grace and not of works. God did not love Abraham more than he loved anyone of us, nor did he love Jacob or David more than anyone of their generation. The reason they were all chosen, is because of the big picture in the mind of God behind their choosing. The big picture behind the call of Abraham was a creation of a nation called Israel, which was to become the bloodline through which the Messiah would be born. The call had nothing to do with Abraham, it was about Jesus the Messiah. So Abraham was called to be a pipeline through which the Savior of the world would come. His call included all of us. If God spoke to you about something he wanted you to do, it is not for you to brag and think you are more special than everybody. The big picture behind your call is so that he can make you a pipeline of distribution. Everything is about Jesus, your special call is not for you. When I say a call, I'm not talking about opening a church, we are all called to fulfill different purposes in life. Question, what has God put in your heart to do in this world? If you know that thing, make sure you do it, because one day we will all stand at judgement seat of Christ, and he will not be asking us about our bank balances, the question will be '' did you do the work I asked you to do''. Some will say, I was too busy with my job, wife, kids, business and the Lord will reply, ''you were too busy doing nothing''. And suddenly it will dawn on them, that it was all about Jesus, it was all about eternity. This world is a preparation for the world to come, life here is very short, there is eternity coming after this world, and everyone will be rewarded according to the life they lived in this present world.