Galatians 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. The Words "put on Christ" in the above verse is translated from the Greek Word enduō and it means to be soaked into something until you cannot be seen. It also means to get lost into something until you cannot find yourself. When you spend more time in fellowship with the Holy Spirit his presence will rub off on your entire being, you will literally be soaked into the Spirit until you cannot be seen. Smith Wigglesworth would spend so much time in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and when he went to the pulpit people would see his face shining like the sun. I was reading this story about Benson Idohasi of Nageria, the guy would spent so many days in prayer and when he left his house to go to the Airport everybody at the airport fell down under the power. He didn't do anything to anyone, he was just passingby but the glory of God had rubbed off on him and it fell on everything around him. This is what the Lord is saying: if My people would give themselves to My Spirit and seek my face, I will reveal myself and show them mysteries of the Kingdom.