Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. When the Spirit of God moves he moves like a rushing mighty wind, this means you will not be able to see him at work but you will see the results. The Holy Spirit works behind the scenes, he moves mountains behind the scenes, he is the same wind that divided the red sea. The wind of the Spirit blows beyond what human wisdom and human strength is capable of doing. With the Holy Spirit all things become possible to him that believes, there is nothing you cannot do. God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are both in heaven but the Holy Spirit is here with us, so whatever work they want done in the earth, they can only do it through the agency of man and the Holy Spirit. God does nothing without the Holy Spirit, he is the power and ability of God, and he lives in us, glory to God. When we pray, the Holy Spirit begins working on the answer immediately and this happens behind the scenes. If the answer is in China, the wind of the Holy Spirit will blow it to where you are, he knows your address, and he knows how to divinely arrange people,events and circumstances to line things up for your advantage. If what you prayed for does not exist in the earth, he will create a brand new one specifically to answer your prayer.