The seed war that has been going on since God declared it back in Genesis 3, is still going on even today. This war will continue until the second Coming of Christ. “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed" (Genesis 3:15). The seed of the woman is first; the natural seed through which the Messiah would come into the World and secondly the spiritual seed through which the Messiah would prolong his days in the earth, which is the Church.
- Satan murders Abel to try and stop the seed of the Woman from being born - Satan closes Sara’s womb after God promised that the world would be blessed through Abraham’s seed - Satan closes Rebecca’s womb to try and stop the birth of Jacob - Satan tries to destroy the whole nation of Israel in Egypt, when Pharaoh orders the killing of all males. - Herod kills all of the babies two years old and younger in Bethlehem and in all the coasts thereof. - There were also numerous attempts to kill Christ during His earthly ministry. - Finally Satan used Judas Iscariot to betray Christ which led to the cross, but he did not know that Jesus was more dangerous a dead man than he was a living man.
To this day, we are engaged in the seed war. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is involved in the battle of Ages which began in Genesis 3. Satan is still making war against the church of Jesus Christ and the individual believers, hoping to stop the eternal plan of God for the world to come.
Very soon Satan will raise up the Antichrist to try and wipe out the church of Jesus Christ. We are living in the very last years before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Read the signs, they will tell you that we are living in those days the book of Revelation talked about
Christ will ultimately defeat the Antichrist and Satan by his second coming. I believe this generation will see this happen with our very eyes.