For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
Everything that made up the person of Jesus, for him to behave the way he did, to talk like he did, to respond to life and circumstances the way he did, was based on a fixed mental attitude of the Word. He was the Word of God made flesh, his entire thought process was the Word, his response to everything was through the word of God which had taken full abode in his mind.
You are what you eat, you can never be anything outside the information which has taken full abode in the headquarters of your mind. The information in your mind, whether it be good or bad, is what makes the you that you are, how you respond to situations and circumstances is based on the fixed mental disposition of your thoughts. Therefore if you need to change anything in your life, begin with the mind, change the information you are eating. Your life is the outward reflection of your thoughts. The more you give your mind to the studying of the Word and to the Holy Spirit through prayer, is the more you are transformed into the glory of the heavenly, you become a heavenly man walking, and a mystery to everyone.