And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability (Matthew 25:15).
Notice in the above verse, the talents were given according to every man’s ability, each one was given what they could handle. In today’s economy the value of one talent is about $1.25 million, this shows that the Lord was fair even to the guy who received one talent. Verse 16 & 17 of the same chapter reveals God’s wisdom for money, what he expects us to do with money. Verse16 says, “he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents”. Verse 17 says, “And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two”. God expects the money in your hands to multiply, don’t look at how much he has given you, look at what you can do to make it multiply, then the Lord will call you a profitable servant.
Money in your hand is seed, it has been committed to you so that you can use it to get the harvest you looking for. The seed is not for eating, it is for planting, the small money you have is a seed for the big money you are looking for. If you read verse 19 to 26 of the same chapter and book, the Lord praised the two servants who traded and gained profit, but to the one who was afraid of doing business with his talent, the Lord called him, a wicked and a lazy servant. The Bible shows that God is very interested in this topic of Money, if you carefully studied the Bible, you will notice it contains a lot of financial terms. Terms like, Accountability, productivity, profitability, Debtors, Bank, Wealth, Silver, gold, Creditors, are some of expressions God used in his communication with man. This proves he is not ignorant of Money, he is well acquainted with it. He is a brilliant Business Man, and when he invests money in you, he expects a Profit. Are you a profitable servant to the Lord, or you always demanding more money, when you cannot properly manage what he has entrusted to your hands.