For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith (1 John 5:4).
The Apostle Paul, knowing the power of our faith, declared, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). He had come to know from the Scriptures that he could never fail; he could never be defeated; he was a victor forever; nothing was going to make him think or believe otherwise. The Word of God must culture your mind and shape your opinion to have the kind of mindset that Paul had. You must be absolutely convinced that only what the Word says is real.
The Word of God is the true light that reveals the true reality of life and your faith is the only powerful instrument that can bring such realities into your life. Under the light of medicine, for example, your kidneys could be said to have problems, but under the light of God’s Word, they’re in perfect condition. For the word says, No resident of Zion will say, I am sick [Isaiah 33:24]. Now faith is accepting what the Word says about your health as the only reality, and refusing to acknowledge anything which contradicts the Word. With Your mouth, you declare “I have new kidneys in the name of Jesus”. God told us to confess the Word, because when you speak, you release energy that converts into matter. It’s your confession that activates the power of God’s Word in your life and causes your faith to prevail.