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Create New Destinies.

Every physical thing came from the invisible world. The Bible says, "the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear" (Hebrew 11:3). Everything has its roots from the unseen world, whether good or bad, it originated from somewhere.

Your imaginative power is your creative ability with which you can create new destinies. Of all God's creatures, man is the only being who can create just like his Maker. Angels cannot create, no wander Satan is a duplicator. Man was created to live the life of a king and to function just like God. After creating Adam, God gave him authority to rule over the earthly creation (Gen 1:26;28).

The process is like this; imagination gives birth to thoughts; and thoughts to action; and actions to habits; and habits to character; and character to destiny. Your life will take the direction of your thoughts. Everyday use your imagination to create new destinies, see new worlds, new possibilities, new places and brother, where your mind goes, you will go physically.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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