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The Power of Thoughts.

Everything you see around you is a man-made world which began as a thought or an idea in the mind of a single person before it was translated into reality. Your thoughts are creative, they form and shape your world and everything that happens to you. You become what you think about — most of the time. For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).The distance between the spirit world and the physically world is the mind. The human spirit is always waiting for instruction from your thoughts, and whatever your thoughts convey, your spirit runs with it into the realm of the spirit. The realm of spirit is the invisible world where visible things are created, every physical thing was first a spiritual thing, the physical world is a reflection of the spiritual world.

However your thoughts get information from the five senses, what the eye sees, what the ear hears, the mind believes. You think the way you do because of what you have either been listening to or watching. What you spend time watching on TV, what you read on newspapers, what you hear from other people, what you feel and smell created the person that you are today. The only way Satan can get to you is through, your senses, to your mind and to your spirit, he must first deceive your mind, and then your spirit. For God also to work in your life, it must be through you exposing your physical senses to his Word, which will then affect your mind, and your spirit man. Information>>>5 Senses>>>Mind>>>>Human Spirit>>>Results.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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